The Mexican peso defies and sets a new record

The Mexican peso persists and continues to break records, maintaining a favorable streak as it is now quoted at 17.26 units per dollar, reaching levels similar to those of March 2016 on Friday, June 30, 2023.

By |2023-07-11T14:57:59-05:00July, 2023|

Sustainable and Profitable Investment: A Real Opportunity

Sustainable and profitable investment is showcasing its prowess in the markets. Nowadays, millions of investors take sustainability issues into account when determining how to allocate their investments.

By |2023-06-01T18:34:56-05:00May, 23|

Mexico: Economic Outlook for 2023 and 2024.

Economic Outlook: Real GDP growth is decelerating, with consumption supported by labor market improvements, and exports benefiting but affected by a slowdown in the United States. Inflation is expected to decrease. Measures include energy savings, restrictive monetary policy, competition, and childcare.

By |2023-07-06T15:32:19-05:00May, 2023|

The main technological trends for 2023

The expectations of numerous business leaders for this year revolved around wholeheartedly focusing on growth post-pandemic. However, despite the uncertain future, your company must identify its performance outcomes, strategic initiatives, and technological trends, and fully commit to them.

By |2023-05-26T15:35:29-05:00May, 2023|

Economic Outlook for 2023

The current economic outlook poses significant challenges and a high degree of uncertainty. Various tensions within the financial sector have the potential to amplify and weaken the real economy. This situation could lead to a severe deterioration in financing conditions, prompting central banks to reassess their policies.

By |2023-05-26T10:34:32-05:00May, 2023|

Tensiones financieras recientes, sus posibles consecuencias.

The article analyzes the financial tensions unleashed in the United States and their contagion to a Swiss credit institution, as well as the containment measures adopted by the public authorities. The implications for a possible financial crisis are examined, and three fundamental conclusions are highlighted.

By |2023-06-19T17:06:05-05:00March, 2023|

Elementos básicos de la inversión en criptomonedas

Es importante conocer todo los elementos que influyen en la inversión en Criptomonedas y en particular en Bitcoin. para que existan una clara visión antes de tomar una decisión. A la hora de inversión en Criptomonedas así como cualquier otro activo financiero y no financiero requiere de un dominio de la metodología así como de conocer toda la información relevante y que involucra.

By |2023-07-06T16:18:47-05:00August, 2022|

Perspectivas economía 2022: Una mayor inflación a nivel global

Perspectiva de la economía global. En casi todos los países del mundo se está experimentando un repunte de la inflación está suscitando muchas preguntas en la mayoría de los expertos económicos y público en General, la inflación parece ser que ha vuelto para quedarse.

By |2022-04-28T17:26:49-05:00April, 2022|

La tormenta perfecta para una crisis económica

La guerra en Ucrania está siendo un eslabón más que está dañando la débil economía en la mayoría de los países occidentales, una tormenta perfecta para una crisis económica anunciada que va a suponer un menor crecimiento en el PIB, presumiblemente una mayor inflación incluso superando los dos dígitos en muchos países y un deterioro en el mercado laboral.

By |2023-07-06T16:20:14-05:00March, 2022|

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