Mergers and Acquisitions2020-07-29T17:24:31-05:00

Fusiones y Adquisiciones

Lograr rentabilidades más altas a través de un enfoque sistémico.



Banco de inversión

Les ayudamos a crear valor

Nuestra oferta de servicios propone una creación de valor sustentable en el tiempo a través de la implementación de una estrategia de fusiones y adquisiciones acorde a tu objetivos.

Fusiones y Adquisiciones

Nuestra estrategia de creación de valor en el proceso se basa en:

  • Mejore sus probabilidades de éxito perfeccionando:  Una estrategia y objetivos de fusiones y adquisiciones bien establecida desarrollando su equipo y capacidades técnica aumenta el grado de éxito.
  • Due Diligence: Mejorar el proceso de due diligence a un nivel que suponga una ventaja competitiva en el mercado.
  • Máximo valor a través de una reducción de los riesgos operativos y financieros y un máximo aprovechamiento de las sinérgias esperadas.
  • Desinversiones:  Mayor rentabilidad posible de las desinversiones preparando el activo para la venta, ejecutando un programa de bajo riesgo. También podemos ayudarle a maximizar el valor de las spin-offs y las empresas conjuntas y alianzas.

  • Seguimiento constante: Una clave del éxito es el control y constante seguimiento de la operación en el tiempo, se ha observado que existe una gran diferencia entre la planeación y su ejecución.

Nuestros servicios contemplan:

Gestión de proyectos de fusiones y adquisiciones

Cada uno de los proyectos se adaptan a sus necesidades, complementando los recursos existentes o gestionando la totalidad del proyecto.

  • Selección de la oportunidad o el socio
  • Valoración de las opciones
  • Apoyo en los procesos de negociación
  • Requerimientos fiscales
  • Requerimientos legales

Due Diligence: 

Integración posterior al proceso de fusión o adquisición: 

Valoración de empresas y activos intangibles, marcas patente pdv-a

Como te podemos ayudar

Estrategia de fusiones y adquisiciones

La estrategia de F&A debe de ser una extensión de la estrategia general de la empresa y basarse en modelos sustentables con disciplina de implantación.

Due Diligence Corporativo

Análisis que reduzca los riesgos operativos y financieros y asegure las sinergias planeadas.

Integración Post fusión o adquisición

Las integraciones de os equipos de trabajo y culturas post-deal es una de los factores críticos y de éxito más importantes.


Maximizar el valor y el tiempo de realización de las des-inversiones tanto en activos como en capital.

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    FAQs on Corporate Finance

    El valor contable de las acciones, ¿es la mejor aproximación a su valor?2024-02-16T15:24:11-05:00

    El valor contable de las acciones, también conocido como valor contable por acción, representa el valor contable total de una empresa dividido por el número de acciones en circulación.

    Este valor se calcula utilizando el balance general de la empresa y refleja principalmente los activos, pasivos y el patrimonio neto de la empresa.

    Valor contable

    Sin embargo, el valor contable de las acciones no siempre es la mejor aproximación de su valor real o intrínseco. Hay varias razones para esto:

    • Valoración basada en costos históricos: El valor contable se basa en los costos históricos de los activos de la empresa, lo que puede no reflejar su valor de mercado actual. Por ejemplo, un activo que ha aumentado significativamente de valor desde su adquisición aún se reflejará en el balance con su valor original.
    • No considera activos intangibles: El valor contable no incluye activos intangibles como la reputación de la marca, la propiedad intelectual o el capital humano, que pueden ser valiosos para una empresa pero no están reflejados en sus libros contables.
    • No refleja el potencial de crecimiento futuro: El valor contable no tiene en cuenta el potencial de crecimiento futuro de una empresa. El valor de una empresa puede estar influenciado por su capacidad para generar ingresos y ganancias en el futuro, lo cual no está reflejado en el valor contable.
    • Mercado eficiente: En un mercado eficiente, el precio de mercado de las acciones reflejará toda la información disponible sobre la empresa, incluyendo su valor contable pero también otros factores como las expectativas de crecimiento futuro, la competencia, y las condiciones macroeconómicas. Por lo tanto, el precio de mercado puede diferir significativamente del valor contable.

    En resumen, si bien el valor contable proporciona una medida importante del valor de una empresa en términos contables, no es necesariamente la mejor aproximación de su valor real o intrínseco. Los inversionistas suelen considerar una variedad de métricas y factores adicionales al evaluar el valor de las acciones de una empresa.


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    I want to sell a company, what should I do?2023-03-16T15:59:40-05:00
    Many shareholders and entrepreneurs, for various reasons, reach a point where they want to sell a company, its shares, etc., and a multitude of questions arise:
    • What is the real value of my company and how do I determine it?

    • How do I find potential buyers for my company?

    • What financial documents and records do I need for the sale of my company?

    • How can I maximize the value of my company before selling it?

    • How do I handle negotiations and the sales process itself?

    • What should I do if there are multiple buyers interested in my company?

    • How will the sale of my company affect my employees and customers?

    • What are the legal risks and responsibilities I assume when selling my company?

    • What options do I have if I can't find buyers willing to pay the price I want for my company?

    Selling a company is a process.

    All of these questions require a timely answer, and too many first-time entrepreneurs are unprepared for the sale of their business. What should be a happy and satisfying event often becomes frustrating or disappointing.

    Three tips have been identified for those who may be planning to sell a company:

    • Seek clarity about the purpose of your life. Ultimately, the greatest cause of regret for the seller is when the entrepreneur's life feels directionless after the sale.

    • Work on your business. The daily grind of running a business often distracts entrepreneurs from the important work they should be doing.

    • Plan for a sale in advance, even if you're not sure you want to sell. This will ensure that your business follows a healthy trajectory and that you and your team are focused and accountable.

    Selling a company is a complex process that requires time and careful planning. Below are some steps that can help you get started:

    • Determine the value of your company: Before putting your company up for sale, it is important to evaluate its value to establish a fair price. This involves evaluating assets, income, expenses, and other relevant factors. You can hire a company valuation specialist to assist you with this process.

    • Prepare the necessary documentation: You will need to gather all documentation related to the company, such as financial statements, ownership agreements, contracts, tax records, and any other relevant documents.

    • Find a buyer: You can try to sell your company through a brokerage agency or by directly contacting potential buyers. You can also post an ad online or in specialized publications.

    • Negotiate the terms of the sale: Once you have found an interested buyer, it is important to negotiate the terms of the sale. This includes the sale price, payment method, delivery conditions, among other aspects.

    • Complete the sale: Once you have reached an agreement with the buyer, you will need to complete the sale. This includes transferring ownership and delivering all documents and assets related to the company.

    It is important to note that the process of selling a company can be complex and requires time and careful planning. You may consider working with a lawyer or financial advisor to assist you in the process and ensure that all details are handled properly.

    Should I hire an advisor to help me with the sales process?

    Hiring a mergers and acquisitions advisor to assist in the sale of a company can be a good option for many business owners. Both professionals can provide valuable expertise and help ensure that the sale is conducted effectively and fairly.

    An advisor can provide a wide range of services, including company valuation, finding potential buyers, presenting the company to buyers, and managing the entire sales process. A mergers and acquisitions advisor can also help maximize the value of the company before the sale, which can result in a higher sale price.

    In conclusion

    Contratar a un asesor de fusiones y adquisiciones puede ser una inversión valiosa para garantizar una venta exitosa y justa de una empresa. Es importante investigar y seleccionar cuidadosamente a un profesional con experiencia y reputación probada en ventas de negocios para asegurarse de obtener el mejor resultado posible.


    Hiring a mergers and acquisitions advisor can be a valuable



    Content Management | | Company valuation methods | Online company valuation | How to make selling your business a satisfying experience.
    I want to buy a company, what should I do?2023-03-16T18:08:57-05:00
    One way for a company to grow is by purchasing another company. On paper, it may seem easy, but there are many cases of buying and selling that turned into real dramas for those involved.

    Why do I want to buy a company? What are my long-term goals?

    • Why do I want to buy a company? What are my long-term goals?
    • What type of company am I looking for? In which industry or sector?
    • What is my budget? How much am I willing to pay for a company?
    • How can I evaluate the financial health of the company I'm considering buying?
    • How can I determine the market value of the company?
    • What are the assets and liabilities of the company I'm considering buying?
    • What types of purchase-sale agreements are available? Which one is most suitable for me?
    • How can I ensure that the purchase-sale transaction is fair and equitable for both parties?
    • What type of due diligence should I do before finalizing the purchase?
    • How can I manage the transition and ensure that the company continues to operate smoothly after the purchase?
    Why do I want to buy a company? What are my long-term goals?

    These are important questions to ask yourself before buying a company. Some possible answers could be:

    • Expand my current business: If you already have an established business, buying another company could help you expand your operations, increase your revenue, and take advantage of synergies between both companies.
    • Enter a new market: Buying a company in a new market could help you diversify your sources of income and reduce the risk of depending on a single market.
    • Acquire technology or intellectual property: If the company you're considering has valuable technology or intellectual property, it could be a good opportunity to acquire it and use it in your own business.
    • Be your own boss: If you're looking to own your own business, buying a company can be a way to achieve that without having to start from scratch.
    • Get a return on investment: If you're looking to invest your money and get a long-term return on investment, buying a company can be an attractive option.

    Buying a company can be a complex process that requires good planning and analysis. Here are some steps you can take to get started:

    • Define your purchase criteria: Determine your objectives and the characteristics of the company you want to buy, such as size, industry, geographic location, profitability, growth potential, and other important aspects
    • Market research: Conduct market research to evaluate the supply of companies that meet your purchase criteria and their price.
    • Evaluate the company: Conduct a detailed evaluation of the company you want to buy, including its financial history, customers, employees, competition, intellectual property, among other aspects.
    • Negotiate the terms: If you have found a company that interests you, start negotiations to define the terms of the purchase, including price, financing, deadlines, and other relevant aspects.
    • Formalize the agreement: Once you have agreed on the terms of the purchase, formalize the agreement by drafting a purchase-sale contract.
    • Finalize the transaction: After formalizing the agreement, a thorough due diligence must be carried out to ensure that all the information provided is truthful, and the transfer of the assets of the company and the signing of the necessary documents to complete the transaction must be proceeded.
    Why is it important to have an advisor when buying a company?

    It is important to have an advisor when buying a company because the acquisition of a company is a complex process that involves many legal, financial, strategic, and operational aspects. An experienced advisor can provide an objective perspective and help evaluate the viability and risks of the acquisition.

    A financial advisor can assist in analyzing the financial statements and other important documents of the target company, evaluating its value, and identifying possible issues that may affect the operation of the company after acquisition. They can also help negotiate the terms of the acquisition, including price and payment conditions, and draft and review the necessary contracts and agreements for the transaction.

    Additionally, an advisor can provide strategic and operational guidance to help the acquiring company effectively integrate the acquired company and maximize the benefits of the acquisition.

    In conclusion

    In conclusion, the article explains that one way of achieving business growth is through the acquisition of a company, but this can be a complex process that requires planning and analysis. It presents important questions that should be asked before considering a purchase, such as long-term objectives, budget, and how to evaluate the financial health of the company. Additionally, it describes the steps for purchasing, including defining purchase criteria, market research, company evaluation, negotiation of terms, formalization of the agreement, and completion of the transaction.

    The importance of having an experienced advisor to provide guidance and evaluate the risks and viability of the acquisition is emphasized.

    If you want to sell or buy a company, PDV-a can assist in the process of buying or selling a company (PDV-a mergers and acquisitions).


    Content Management | | Company valuation methods | Online company valuation | How to make selling your business a satisfying experience.

    What is the agenda cost?2023-03-16T17:48:53-05:00
    The term "agenda cost" refers to the opportunity cost of scheduling a task on a busy schedule. This is because when a task is added to a schedule that is already filled with other tasks, time is being used that could have been used for other important activities or for rest. Therefore, the agenda cost refers to the lost value of not being able to dedicate that time to other activities or rest.

    The "agenda cost" is a term used in the field of time management and refers to the price paid for scheduling too many activities or tasks in a given period of time.

    When a person has too much to do in a day, they can feel overwhelmed and stressed, which can negatively affect their productivity and quality of life. The agenda cost manifests itself in the form of stress, fatigue, anxiety, lack of free time, and in the long term, can affect mental and physical health.

    Therefore, it is important to find a balance between the tasks that need to be done and the time available to do them in order to avoid the agenda cost and achieve a more balanced and healthy life. This can be achieved through effective time management, task prioritization, and proper planning.

    In summary, the "agenda cost" is the opportunity agenda cost task on an agenda that is already filled with other tasks. By adding more tasks to a busy schedule, time is being used that could have been dedicated to other important activities or rest. The agenda cost can manifest itself in stress, fatigue, anxiety, and lack of free time, which can affect productivity and mental and physical health. To avoid this cost, it is important to find a balance between tasks and available time, which can be achieved through effective time management, task prioritization, and proper planning.


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    Casos de estudio

    The Awareness Doctrine

    What is agency cost?2023-03-16T17:35:33-05:00
    Agency cost refers to the difference in interests between the shareholders and managers of a company, and is closely related to what can be referred to as moral hazard in the market.

    In the financial world, agency costs refer to the loss of value of a company due to the lack of alignment between the interests of shareholders and managers. These costs can manifest themselves in unnecessary expenses, hiring at prices higher than the market, difficulties in promoting good executives, and undertaking projects with excessive risk.

    The problem can also occur in politics, known as "Political Agency Costs," and can lead to the destruction of national wealth. To reduce these costs, measures must be taken to ensure transparency in the management of public funds, ensure adequate compensation for government officials, ensure the separation of powers, educate citizens to have a critical judgment, impose severe penalties for cases of corruption, guarantee freedom of opinion, rotate leaders in their positions, and establish an appropriate evaluation scheme for the promotion of the best officials.

    Agency cost is an important concept in business leadership, as it refers to the conflict of interests between the executives of a company and its shareholders. Business leaders must consider this cost when making decisions and designing strategies, as it can affect the profitability of the company and the relationship with shareholders. By reducing agency costs, business leaders can improve shareholder confidence and increase the efficiency of the company. Therefore, effective business leadership involves not only managing the company in financial terms but also managing relationships among stakeholders, including shareholders and executives.

    In conclusion

    Measures must be taken to reduce these costs, and business leaders must consider this cost when making decisions and designing strategies to improve shareholder confidence and increase the efficiency of the company.

    Agency cost is an important concept in business leadership and leaders must take it into account when making decisions and designing strategies to improve shareholder confidence and increase company efficiency.


    PDV-a can assist you with your Corporate Finance Advisory needs.


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    Casos de estudio

    The Error at the Heart of Corporate Leadership

    What are the priorities of a company?2023-03-14T17:03:34-05:00

    The priorities of a company may vary depending on its size and short and long-term goals, but in general, there are some key areas that many companies should focus on.

    Leadership is essential for establishing and prioritizing objectives in a company. Effective leaders should be able to evaluate different objectives and priorities of a company and determine which are most important for long-term success.

    Effective leaders should be able to evaluate different objectives and priorities of a company and determine which are most important for long-term success.

    They should also be able to adapt to changes in market conditions and adjust priorities as needed

    Additionally, a leader must be able to inspire and motivate employees to work together towards the company's goals, creating a positive work environment and encouraging innovation and creativity throughout the organization.

    Some of the priorities of a company include:

    • Meeting customer needs: Customer satisfaction is essential for any successful company. Companies should strive to understand the needs and desires of their customers and constantly work to improve the quality of their products or services and the customer experience.
    • Creating a healthy corporate culture: A positive corporate culture can improve morale, productivity, and employee retention. Companies should strive to create a healthy, inclusive, and safe work environment that promotes teamwork, innovation, and personal growth.
    • Maintaining responsible financial management: Companies should have a disciplined and responsible approach to their finances. This includes creating and monitoring a budget, proper management of accounts receivable and payable, and planning for financial emergencies.
    • Investing in technology and product development: Companies should keep up with technology and industry trends to remain competitive. This may involve investing in new technologies and tools, as well as researching and developing new products and services.
    • Encouraging corporate social responsibility: Companies should be aware of their impact on society and the environment. Corporate social responsibility can include implementing sustainable practices, donating to charitable organizations, and participating in community projects.

    There is a discussion among managers about the "priorities of a company" and the importance of growth or generating profits. Sales and profits are two different financial concepts, but they are interrelated in business success. Sales represent the revenue generated by a company through the sale of its products or services, while profits refer to the earnings that the company obtains after deducting production costs and operating expenses.

    While sales are important for the growth of the company and revenue generation, it is important to note that they do not always translate into profits. A company can have high sales, but if its costs and expenses are too high, it may have low or even negative profits.

    Therefore, to ensure long-term profitability and business success, it is important for a company to not only focus on increasing sales but also on controlling its costs and expenses to maximize its profits.

    Business priorities: The right combination of sales and profits is essential to maintain a profitable and sustainable company.

    Today, most successful companies or those listed in the most relevant financial markets prioritize value creation as objectives or company priorities. Value creation in a company refers to the organization's ability to generate value for its shareholders and other stakeholders in the business. This is achieved through improving operational efficiency, innovation in products and services, strengthening the brand, and adopting sustainable practices.

    In addition, value creation in a company also involves effective management of human resources and the implementation of sustainable practices in all business operations. This includes promoting a culture of innovation and creativity, fostering continuous learning, and adopting ethical and responsible practices.

    To create value in a company, it is important to establish a clear and coherent strategy that allows for the identification of opportunities to improve financial and operational performance. This involves setting clear objectives, developing action plans, and monitoring progress towards achieving them.

    In summary, a company's priorities should be aligned with its mission, vision, and values. Attending to customer needs, fostering a healthy corporate culture, responsible financial management, investing in technology and product development, and corporate social responsibility are key areas that many companies should focus on. We can conclude that our response should be to create value for our customers. Without a clear focus on how we can create value in the market, the company will not be sustainable in the future.


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    Smart leaders understand that their job requires identifying trade-offs, choosing both what not to do as well as what to do. Evaluating the importance of various initiatives in a resource-constrained environment is a key test of leadership.

    ¿Qué beneficios tiene un Gobierno corporativo?2023-03-17T13:36:10-05:00
    Un buen gobierno corporativo se refiere a un conjunto de prácticas y principios que rigen el funcionamiento y la gestión de una empresa. Su objetivo principal es proteger los intereses de los accionistas y otros stakeholders, al mismo tiempo que se maximiza el valor de la empresa.

    El principal beneficio de un Gobierno corporativo es el cuidado de los intereses de los accionistas tanto mayoritarios como minoritarios

    Un correcto Gobierno corporativo:

    • da estabilidad a la empresa,
    • promueve como una organización eficiente en la sociedad,
    • previene de operaciones ilícitas y de conflictos de interés
    • identifica, administra, controla y gestiona mejor los riesgos
    • supone una declaración de principios éticos y
    • sobre todo da certidumbre y confianza tanto a los inversores como al resto de la sociedad.

    Un buen gobierno corporativo tiene numerosos beneficios para una empresa y sus partes interesadas, incluyendo:

    • Mejora la transparencia: mejora la transparencia de la empresa, lo que la hace más atractiva para los inversores y otros stakeholders.
    • Incrementa la confianza: aumenta la confianza de los accionistas y los inversores en la empresa, lo que puede ayudar a atraer nuevos inversores y mantener el apoyo de los actuales.
    • Facilita el acceso a capital: puede acceder más fácilmente a los mercados financieros y obtener capital a tasas de interés más bajas.
    • Aumenta la eficiencia: mejora la eficiencia de la empresa al establecer claridad en las responsabilidades y expectativas de los directivos, y alinearlos con los objetivos de la organización.
    • Reduce el riesgo: puede reducir el riesgo de malas prácticas empresariales, fraude y otras formas de conducta poco ética.
    • Mejora la reputación: mejora la reputación de la empresa y la percepción que tienen de ella los clientes, proveedores y otros stakeholders.
    En general, un buen gobierno corporativo ayuda a una empresa a ser más eficiente, transparente y confiable, lo que puede llevar a un mejor desempeño financiero a largo plazo.



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    The Error at the Heart of Corporate Leadership

    ¿Qué es el Gobierno corporativo?2023-03-14T16:01:37-05:00
    Gobierno corporativo se refiere a las mejores prácticas qué podemos llegar a poner en marcha para que una empresa pueda ser administrada de acuerdo a las normas vigentes, que los accionistas vean realmente reflejados sus intereses es la administración de la empresa.

    El Consejo de administración a través de las normas de Gobierno corporativo debe desempeñar como un correcto órgano de administración dentro de la empresa, así como el elemento que une al accionista con la administración.

    El gobierno corporativo es el conjunto de principios, políticas y prácticas que rigen la gestión y el funcionamiento de una empresa o corporación. Su objetivo principal es garantizar que la empresa actúe de manera ética, transparente y en interés de todos sus stakeholders, incluyendo a los accionistas, clientes, empleados, proveedores y la sociedad en general.

    El gobierno corporativo establece la estructura de toma de decisiones, las normas de conducta, la rendición de cuentas y la supervisión de los directivos y gerentes. También incluye la definición de los roles y responsabilidades de los miembros del consejo de administración y la dirección ejecutiva.

    Un buen gobierno corporativo es importante para garantizar el éxito y la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de la empresa. Los inversores y los accionistas confían en un buen gobierno corporativo para proteger sus inversiones y asegurar que se maximice el valor de la empresa. Además, una empresa con un buen gobierno corporativo también puede mejorar su reputación y atraer a los clientes y empleados de alta calidad.

    Entre las características de un buen gobierno corporativo se incluyen:

    • Transparencia: Una empresa debe ser transparente en su funcionamiento, decisiones y resultados financieros.
    • Responsabilidad: debe definir claramente las responsabilidades y roles de los directivos y otros miembros de la organización.
    • Equidad: debe asegurar que se trate a todos los stakeholders con justicia e igualdad, incluyendo a los accionistas minoritarios.
    • Cumplimiento legal: debe asegurar que la empresa cumpla con todas las leyes y regulaciones aplicables.
    • Ética empresarial: debe promover la ética empresarial y prevenir la conducta poco ética o ilegal.
    • Orientación a largo plazo: debe fomentar la toma de decisiones a largo plazo y la creación de valor sostenible.

    En general, un buen gobierno corporativo es esencial para la sostenibilidad y el éxito a largo plazo de una empresa, y es fundamental para mantener la confianza de los inversores y otros stakeholders.


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    Casos de Estudio:

    Gobernanza: La Práctica Global de Gobernanza brinda apoyo a los países clientes ayudándolos a crear instituciones competentes, eficientes, abiertas, inclusivas y responsables.

    Tendencias del Gobierno Corporativo de las empresas publicas en América Latina : Tendencias y Casos de Países: “World Bank. 2014. Tendencias del Gobierno Corporativo de las empresas publicas en América Latina : Tendencias y Casos de Países. World Bank Group, Washington, DC. © World Bank. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.”

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    The Error at the Heart of Corporate Leadership

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