Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs in the Coming Years

The upcoming years, we will witness constant changes occurring in our society, which will bring forth challenges and opportunities for SMEs and businesses

By |2023-07-11T15:10:24-05:00May, 23|

Benchmarking, Competitiveness, and Sustainability

Benchmarking is a strategic practice of comparative analysis that drives business growth and enhancement. It entails examining and comparing the performance, processes, and practices of an organization with those of its competitors and market-leading companies.

By |2023-06-15T15:11:21-05:00May, 23|

Profit warnings

Companies issue profit warnings when they are aware that their earnings outlook or upcoming revenue levels will be lower than the market forecast or previous expectations of the company itself.

By |2023-05-31T17:21:22-05:00May, 2023|

What is planning? Budgeting and forecasting.

Planning, budgeting, and forecasting are typically a three-step process to determine and outline the short-term and long-term financial goals of an organization.

By |2023-06-30T12:06:31-05:00May, 2023|

The main technological trends for 2023

The expectations of numerous business leaders for this year revolved around wholeheartedly focusing on growth post-pandemic. However, despite the uncertain future, your company must identify its performance outcomes, strategic initiatives, and technological trends, and fully commit to them.

By |2023-05-26T15:35:29-05:00May, 2023|

How to Improve the Budgeting Process

The budgeting process is arduous and intricate, involving multiple stakeholders from different departments. Effective communication and collaboration are key to avoiding errors and streamlining the budgeting process. According to a recent study by Gartner, 72% of financial leaders are seeking to enhance the flexibility of budgets and projections for the fiscal year. This underscores the growing need to modernize and make the budgeting process more flexible.

By |2023-05-26T13:42:41-05:00May, 2023|

ISO 21001, Herramienta de Gestión para el sector educativo.

La Norma ISO 21001 se presenta como una “herramienta de gestión estratégica” que utiliza el mismo lenguaje que los profesionales a los que va dirigida. Esta norma recoge requisitos específicos sobre los procesos educativos, como el desarrollo del plan de estudios, el proceso de admisión y los métodos de evaluación.

By |2023-07-03T13:00:46-05:00May, 2023|

Tips for creating an online store.

The online store is a virtual platform that allows users to easily and securely purchase products from anywhere with internet access. We offer a wide variety of products and services, ranging from clothing and accessories to food and technology. In our online store, users can browse through different categories, read product specifications, compare prices, and make online purchases with just a few clicks. Additionally, we guarantee transaction security and the protection of our customers' personal data

By |2023-03-15T12:39:46-05:00March, 2023|

Innovación: consejos para proteger una invención.

Al emprender un proceso de innovación o al iniciar una empresa, a menudo se cuenta con una invención o prototipo que se considera vital para el desarrollo de la empresa. Por lo tanto, es esencial incluir en el plan de negocios proteger la invención, incluido la protección legal y técnica de la invención, entre otros elementos.

By |2023-10-16T15:29:46-05:00February, 2023|

Presupuesto financiero: planificación versus control

El término "presupuesto" a menudo evoca en la mente de muchos gerentes imágenes de estimaciones inexactas, producidas con tedioso detalle, que nunca se logran exactamente y cuyos déficits o excesos requieren explicaciones. Lamentablemente, esta es la forma en que muchos presupuestos se manejan en empresas más pequeñas, lo que derrocha su verdadero potencial y no permite alcanzar importantes objetivos gerenciales que el presupuesto puede ayudar a lograr.

By |2023-05-29T12:47:54-05:00February, 2023|

Contact information

Phone: +52.55.25338703

Web: Grupo PDV-a


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