Humanitas fundación educativa

Humanitas Educational Foundation

Towards a Better World

For an education based on personal development, knowledge, and critical thinking Humanitas Educational Foundation,

Humanitas Fundación educativa
Humanitas Educational Foundation, aims to promote social development in Mexico through educational projects in various areas. These encompass art, culture, education, institutional strengthening, science, and rural development.

The focus of Humanitas Educational Foundation lies in an education that nurtures the healthy growth of individuals, encouraging their talent and creativity to help them become competent, compassionate, and fulfilled. In essence, it is an education that contributes to the development and progress of society.

To fulfill its mission, Humanitas Educational Foundation has devised a program called Responsible Education. This program is designed to promote physical, emotional, intellectual, and social growth in individuals, improve communication, and foster positive relationships within school environments. Working collaboratively with teachers, students, and families, Humanitas strives to cultivate a healthier and more effective educational atmosphere.

Get in touch

We kindly request your assistance in furthering the development of the ideas we have into tangible projects.

Join us in making the world a better place through education.

    Specific Volunteer Websites
    • Complutense University of Volunteering, Volunteering I+G Volunteering Management Research Team of the Faculty of Psychology at Complutense University of Madrid.

    • Digital Library of Volunteering and Associations (BIV@)

    Website designed and developed by the Giennense League of Education and Popular Culture and sponsored by the Andalusian Volunteering Agency of the Ministry of Governance of the Junta de Andalucía.

    • NET is an initiative originated from the associative sector (Platform of NGOs for Social Action), with the aim of guiding people of all ages interested in the world of volunteering.

    Content and financial information: PDVa | Avacum

    Online courses:

    Educational Foundation

    Education is a fundamental human right that facilitates learning and personal development.

    Education contributes to improving social well-being and economic growth, reducing inequality and poverty, promoting peace and democracy, and protecting the environment.

    However, education faces many challenges, such as lack of access, low quality, resource scarcity, exclusion, or discrimination. That is why the support of foundations is crucial for the development of education. Foundations can promote innovative and high-quality educational projects that respond to the needs and challenges of each context. Foundations can also support educational institutions, teachers, students, and families through funding, training, counseling, or mentoring. Las fundaciones también pueden apoyar a las instituciones educativas, al profesorado, al alumnado y a las familias, mediante la financiación, la capacitación, el asesoramiento o el acompañamiento34.

    The support of foundations for the development of education is a social investment that benefits the entire society. Foundations can be agents of change that promote inclusive and quality education for all children and adolescents in the country.