Business Plans

Planes de negocio y proyectos de inversión

El mejor camino del éxito

No solo son las ideas, sino que estas se hagas realidad.

El camino hacia el éxito de tus negocios

PDVa ofrece un servicio de apoyo y asistencia en la elaboración de modelos económico-financieros para el análisis y evaluación de diferentes negocios, proyectos de inversión, proyectos de deuda o impacto de políticas o programas.

  • La validación del modelo y/o plan de negocio es un elemento fundamental que no puede ser ignorado.

  • Un plan de negocio no debe de ser un simple requisito en un proceso de inversión, sino la ruta critica para conseguir los objetivos.

  • Una correcta elaboración de un modelo o plan de negocio es una ventaja competitiva para el inversor o emprendedor.

Beneficios de una correcta aplicación de análisis financiero

Una correcta planificación de una inversión reduce el riesgo y aumenta las oportunidades de rentabilidad.

En cualquier situación y antes de la ejecución, es importante el analizar el impacto o consecuencias que tiene un proyecto de inversión.

Para que nuestras ideas tengan los impactos socio económicos deseados es importante el modelizar la misma.

Análisis del impacto y beneficios de políticas y proyectos públicos bajo la óptica de opinión independiente.

Optimización de recursos.

Servicios de planes de negocio y evaluación de proyectos y políticas

Elaboración de planes de negocio

Elaboración de un plan de negocios (incluyendo el modelo de negocio, estrategia y objetivos, planeación financiera y apoyo en el seguimiento y acciones correctiva).

Producto especialmente diseñado para PYMES y emprendedores


Preparación y evaluación de proyecto de deuda (sector privado)

Análisis de factibilidad del proyecto de inversión y/o deuda. Incluye la documentación financiera, planificación y métricas para un correcto seguimiento por parte de la empresa y su presentación a las entidades financieras.


Evaluación de políticas y proyectos de inversión (sector público)

Apoyo en la evaluación de políticas y proyectos del sector público, análisis inicial, seguimiento o impacto final, incluyendo la evaluación social y económica y financiera, los estudios de campo y estadísticos requeridos, análisis de los recursos empleados.


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    Preguntas frecuentes sobre planes de negocio y evaluación de proyectos

    ¿Qué parámetro mide mejor la creación de valor, el EVA (economic value added), el beneficio económico o el CVA (Cash value added)?2024-02-16T15:49:23-05:00

    Creacion de Valor

    El EVA (Economic Value Added), el beneficio económico y el CVA (Cash Value Added) son todos parámetros utilizados para evaluar la creación de valor en una empresa, pero cada uno se enfoca en diferentes aspectos y tiene sus propias ventajas y limitaciones. Aquí hay una breve descripción de cada uno:

    1. EVA (Economic Value Added): El EVA es una medida de desempeño financiero que se centra en la generación de valor para los accionistas. Se calcula restando el costo de capital (costo de los recursos utilizados para financiar las operaciones) del beneficio operativo neto después de impuestos. El EVA se considera una medida de creación de valor porque muestra cuánto valor se ha generado por encima del costo de los recursos utilizados. Es una medida popular entre los analistas financieros y los ejecutivos para evaluar la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos de una empresa.
    2. Beneficio económico: El beneficio económico es una medida similar al EVA en el sentido de que también se centra en la creación de valor para los accionistas. Se calcula restando el costo del capital empleado (que puede ser el costo de capital propio o el costo de capital promedio ponderado) del beneficio neto después de impuestos. Al igual que el EVA, el beneficio económico indica cuánto valor se ha creado para los accionistas después de tener en cuenta el costo de los recursos utilizados.
    3. CVA (Cash Value Added): El CVA se enfoca en la generación de valor en términos de flujo de efectivo. Se calcula restando el costo del capital del flujo de efectivo operativo neto. A diferencia del EVA y el beneficio económico, que se basan en medidas contables, el CVA se centra en el flujo de efectivo real generado por la empresa. Esto puede ser útil para evaluar la solidez financiera de una empresa y su capacidad para generar efectivo.

    En cuanto a cuál de estos parámetros mide mejor la creación de valor, no hay una respuesta definitiva, ya que depende del contexto y de las preferencias de los inversores y analistas. Algunos podrían preferir el EVA o el beneficio económico por su enfoque en la rentabilidad contable, mientras que otros podrían favorecer el CVA por su énfasis en el flujo de efectivo. En general, es útil considerar múltiples medidas de creación de valor para obtener una imagen completa del desempeño financiero de una empresa.


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    El valor contable de las acciones, ¿es la mejor aproximación a su valor?2024-02-16T15:24:11-05:00

    El valor contable de las acciones, también conocido como valor contable por acción, representa el valor contable total de una empresa dividido por el número de acciones en circulación.

    Este valor se calcula utilizando el balance general de la empresa y refleja principalmente los activos, pasivos y el patrimonio neto de la empresa.

    Valor contable

    Sin embargo, el valor contable de las acciones no siempre es la mejor aproximación de su valor real o intrínseco. Hay varias razones para esto:

    • Valoración basada en costos históricos: El valor contable se basa en los costos históricos de los activos de la empresa, lo que puede no reflejar su valor de mercado actual. Por ejemplo, un activo que ha aumentado significativamente de valor desde su adquisición aún se reflejará en el balance con su valor original.
    • No considera activos intangibles: El valor contable no incluye activos intangibles como la reputación de la marca, la propiedad intelectual o el capital humano, que pueden ser valiosos para una empresa pero no están reflejados en sus libros contables.
    • No refleja el potencial de crecimiento futuro: El valor contable no tiene en cuenta el potencial de crecimiento futuro de una empresa. El valor de una empresa puede estar influenciado por su capacidad para generar ingresos y ganancias en el futuro, lo cual no está reflejado en el valor contable.
    • Mercado eficiente: En un mercado eficiente, el precio de mercado de las acciones reflejará toda la información disponible sobre la empresa, incluyendo su valor contable pero también otros factores como las expectativas de crecimiento futuro, la competencia, y las condiciones macroeconómicas. Por lo tanto, el precio de mercado puede diferir significativamente del valor contable.

    En resumen, si bien el valor contable proporciona una medida importante del valor de una empresa en términos contables, no es necesariamente la mejor aproximación de su valor real o intrínseco. Los inversionistas suelen considerar una variedad de métricas y factores adicionales al evaluar el valor de las acciones de una empresa.


    Interesting pages. | | SEC | Harvard Business Review

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    What is a business model?2023-03-17T13:35:47-05:00
    A business model is a description of how a company or project creates, delivers, and captures value. In other words, it is the way an organization generates revenue and profits through the creation and sale of products or services

    A business model is a detailed and structured description of how a company creates, delivers, and captures value for its customers. Essentially, a business model is a way of understanding how a company operates and how it generates revenue.

    Business models can vary widely depending on the industry, size, and stage of development of the company, and they can also evolve over time as companies seek new opportunities and challenges.

    Why it is important to develop a business model

    Developing a business model is important for several reasons:

    1. Provides a structure: A business model provides a clear and defined structure for the company, which helps entrepreneurs better understand how their business will work and how to generate revenue. The business model also helps establish long-term goals and objectives.
    2. Helps identify opportunities: By developing a business model, the market, competition, and industry trends are analyzed in detail. This can help identify business opportunities that may otherwise have gone unnoticed.
    3. Allows informed decision-making: A business model helps entrepreneurs make informed decisions based on data and analysis rather than assumptions or guesses. This reduces the risk of making wrong decisions and helps the company be more efficient.
    4. Facilitates financing: A solid and well-developed business model can help attract investors and obtain financing. Investors look for companies that have a clear and viable business model and will be more willing to invest in a company that has a solid plan.

    A business model includes several key elements, such as the value proposition (what the company offers its customers), customer segments (the groups of people or companies it targets), distribution channels (how it reaches customers), cost structure (the expenses necessary to maintain the business), revenue sources (how it generates revenue), and key partners (external actors that help the company operate).

    A business model describes the following key elements:

    • Value proposition: what the company offers its customers and how it differentiates itself from its competitors
    • Customer Segments: the groups of customers that the company targets with its products or services.
    • Distribution Channels: how the company reaches its customers and delivers its value proposition.
    • Customer Relationships: how the company interacts with its customers and builds long-term relationships.
    • Revenue Streams: how the company makes money and what its sources of revenue are.
    • Key Resources: the assets necessary to operate and deliver the company's value proposition.
    • Key Activities: the actions that the company takes to create and deliver its value proposition.
    • Key Partnerships: the relationships that the company has with other key actors in the market.
    • Cost Structure: the costs associated with operating the company.
    In conclusion

    A business model is the description of how a company creates, delivers, and captures value for its customers. It is important to develop a business model because it provides a framework, helps identify opportunities, enables informed decision-making, and facilitates funding. The key elements of a business model include the value proposition, customer segments, distribution channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partnerships, and cost structure.


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    References | | | The Innovative Business Model of Xiaoxiandun Bird’s Nest

    What is a Business Plan?2023-03-17T13:35:54-05:00
    A business plan is a document that describes in detail the strategy and operational plans of a company or entrepreneurial project. It typically includes information about the target market, competition, organizational structure, marketing and sales strategy, products or services offered, financial projections, and risks and opportunities associated with the business.

    The main objective of a business plan is to provide a roadmap for the success of the company, whether in creating a new business or expanding an existing one. It is also a crucial tool for attracting investors, as the business plan provides a clear vision of the company's potential and how it is expected to grow and be profitable in the future.

    A business plan is a document that describes in detail the strategy and operational plans of a company or entrepreneurial project. It typically includes information about the target market, competition, organizational structure, marketing and sales strategy, products or services offered, financial projections, and risks and opportunities associated with the business.

    Elements of a Business Plan

    A typical business plan includes the following elements:

    • Executive Summary: A brief and concise description of the business, summarizing the main points of the business plan.
    • Company Description: A detailed description of the company, including its mission, vision, objectives, legal and organizational structure, location, and any other relevant information.
    • Market Analysis: A thorough investigation of the market, including size, trends, customers, competition, and any other relevant factors.
    • Marketing and Sales Strategy: A description of how the business will be promoted and how its products or services will be sold.
    • Product or Service: A detailed description of the product or service that will be offered, including its features, benefits, and any other relevant information.
    • Operations Plan: A description of how the business will be conducted, including the production process, inventory management, supply, and any other relevant information.
    • Financial Plan: A comprehensive financial analysis, including income and expense projections, cash flow analysis, balance sheet, and any other relevant financial information.
    • Management and Team: A description of the management team and their experience, skills, and responsibilities.
    • Risks and Opportunities: An assessment of the risks and opportunities associated with the business, and how they will be addressed.
    • Summary and Conclusion: A summary of the main points of the business plan and a conclusion that highlights the potential of the business and the viability of the plan.
    In conclusion

    A business plan is a document that outlines the strategy and operational plans of a company or entrepreneurial project. It contains information about the target market, competition, organizational structure, marketing and sales strategy, products or services offered, financial projections, and the risks and opportunities associated with the business. Its main objective is to provide a roadmap for the success of the company and is crucial for attracting investors. A typical business plan includes an executive summary, company description, market analysis, marketing and sales strategy, product or service, operations plan, financial plan, management and team, risks and opportunities, and a summary and conclusion.


    Pdv-a can help you create the business plan that your company or project needs.

    References | | | The Innovative Business Model of Xiaoxiandun Bird’s Nest | How to start a company? Create a startup.


    What is Business Valuation?2023-03-16T16:00:15-05:00
    Business valuation is the process of determining the value of a company or business based on its financial situation, assets, liabilities, income and expenses, market position, management team, business model, and other relevant factors.

    Business valuation can have different objectives, such as selling the company, merging with another company, obtaining financing, or estate planning. Overall, business valuation is important because it provides information about the company's financial situation and growth potential, and can be critical in situations such as the sale of a company or obtaining financing.

    Why do we perform business valuation?

    Business valuation is performed for various reasons, including:

    • Sale of the company: If the owners of the company are considering selling it, they need to know its current value to establish a fair and attractive price for potential buyers.
    • Merger or acquisition: If the company is considering merging with another company or acquiring another company, it needs to know the value of both companies to determine the terms and conditions of the transaction.
    • Obtaining financing: If the company needs to obtain financing from investors or lenders, it needs to demonstrate its value and ability to generate income to obtain better terms and conditions.
    • Estate planning: Business valuation is important in estate planning, as it allows owners to determine the value of their assets and plan for succession.

    Overall, business valuation helps owners, investors, and other stakeholders understand the value of the company and make informed decisions about its future.

    The Importance of Knowing the Value of a Company or Business

    Knowing the value of a company or business is of great importance for several reasons:

    • Decision making: Business valuation provides key information for making strategic and operational decisions. For example, it can help owners decide whether to sell the company, merge with another company, acquire new investments, or seek financing.
    • Commercial transactions: Valuation is also important in commercial transactions, such as the sale or purchase of a company or business. In this case, knowing the value of the company is essential for establishing a fair price and reaching an agreement between the parties.
    • Financing: Financial institutions and investors often require a valuation of the company or business before granting financing or investing in a company. Valuation provides important information for determining the company's potential to generate profits and pay off debts.
    • Financial planning: Valuation is also important for financial planning, as it provides information about the owner's wealth and the taxes that must be paid in the event of a sale or transfer of the company.

    Knowing the value of a company or business is fundamental to making strategic and operational decisions, commercial transactions, financing, and financial planning.

    In conclusion

    Business valuation involves determining its value based on financial, market, and other relevant factors. This valuation can have different objectives, such as sale, merger, financing, or estate planning. Knowing the value of a company is important because it allows for informed and strategic decision-making in commercial situations, such as the sale or purchase of a company, and is essential for obtaining financing or investment. Additionally, valuation provides valuable information for financial planning and tax determination.


    PDV-a Te ayuda en la valoración de tus activos (tangibles o intangibles) y de los negocios en marcha (Empresa) | email: info@pdv.acom


    American Society of Appraisers, ASA Business Valuation, Standards | WORLD BANK GROUP, EVALUATION PRINCIPLES | ISO 10668:2010 establece los principios fundamentales de la valoración | Online company valuation. | Content management | Ponte en contacto email: |


    What are the priorities of a company?2023-03-14T17:03:34-05:00

    The priorities of a company may vary depending on its size and short and long-term goals, but in general, there are some key areas that many companies should focus on.

    Leadership is essential for establishing and prioritizing objectives in a company. Effective leaders should be able to evaluate different objectives and priorities of a company and determine which are most important for long-term success.

    Effective leaders should be able to evaluate different objectives and priorities of a company and determine which are most important for long-term success.

    They should also be able to adapt to changes in market conditions and adjust priorities as needed

    Additionally, a leader must be able to inspire and motivate employees to work together towards the company's goals, creating a positive work environment and encouraging innovation and creativity throughout the organization.

    Some of the priorities of a company include:

    • Meeting customer needs: Customer satisfaction is essential for any successful company. Companies should strive to understand the needs and desires of their customers and constantly work to improve the quality of their products or services and the customer experience.
    • Creating a healthy corporate culture: A positive corporate culture can improve morale, productivity, and employee retention. Companies should strive to create a healthy, inclusive, and safe work environment that promotes teamwork, innovation, and personal growth.
    • Maintaining responsible financial management: Companies should have a disciplined and responsible approach to their finances. This includes creating and monitoring a budget, proper management of accounts receivable and payable, and planning for financial emergencies.
    • Investing in technology and product development: Companies should keep up with technology and industry trends to remain competitive. This may involve investing in new technologies and tools, as well as researching and developing new products and services.
    • Encouraging corporate social responsibility: Companies should be aware of their impact on society and the environment. Corporate social responsibility can include implementing sustainable practices, donating to charitable organizations, and participating in community projects.

    Existe una discusión entre los gerentes sobre «prioridades de una empresa» y la importancia de crecer o generar utilidades. Ventas y utilidades son dos conceptos financieros diferentes, pero están interrelacionados en el éxito empresarial. Las ventas representan los ingresos generados por una empresa a través de la venta de sus productos o servicios, mientras que las utilidades se refieren a las ganancias que la empresa obtiene después de deducir los costos de producción y los gastos operativos.

    While sales are important for the growth of the company and revenue generation, it is important to note that they do not always translate into profits. A company can have high sales, but if its costs and expenses are too high, it may have low or even negative profits.

    Therefore, to ensure long-term profitability and business success, it is important for a company to not only focus on increasing sales but also on controlling its costs and expenses to maximize its profits.

    Business priorities: The right combination of sales and profits is essential to maintain a profitable and sustainable company.

    Today, most successful companies or those listed in the most relevant financial markets prioritize value creation as objectives or company priorities. Value creation in a company refers to the organization's ability to generate value for its shareholders and other stakeholders in the business. This is achieved through improving operational efficiency, innovation in products and services, strengthening the brand, and adopting sustainable practices.

    In addition, value creation in a company also involves effective management of human resources and the implementation of sustainable practices in all business operations. This includes promoting a culture of innovation and creativity, fostering continuous learning, and adopting ethical and responsible practices.

    To create value in a company, it is important to establish a clear and coherent strategy that allows for the identification of opportunities to improve financial and operational performance. This involves setting clear objectives, developing action plans, and monitoring progress towards achieving them.

    In summary, a company's priorities should be aligned with its mission, vision, and values. Attending to customer needs, fostering a healthy corporate culture, responsible financial management, investing in technology and product development, and corporate social responsibility are key areas that many companies should focus on. We can conclude that our response should be to create value for our customers. Without a clear focus on how we can create value in the market, the company will not be sustainable in the future.


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    Smart leaders understand that their job requires identifying trade-offs, choosing both what not to do as well as what to do. Evaluating the importance of various initiatives in a resource-constrained environment is a key test of leadership.

    How corporate finance helps the company.2023-03-14T17:03:48-05:00
    The common idea is that corporate finance is a costly and difficult tool only accessible to a few and aimed at large corporations. However, adapted to the needs and requirements of SMEs, corporate finance can become their main growth tool.

    Leadership is essential in corporate finance because leaders are responsible for establishing the strategic and financial direction of the company, and for making important decisions about capital investment, financing, and financial risk management.

    Good financial leadership can also help improve the company's financial culture and encourage financial responsibility at all levels.

    Financial leaders must have a deep understanding of corporate finance, including risk management, financing structuring, accounting, financial analysis, and financial planning. They must also be able to clearly communicate the company's financial strategy to all stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, and suppliers.

    Corporate finance is a key area of business management that focuses on the company's financial decision-making and resource management. Corporate finance helps the company in several ways, including:

    • Capital management: Finance helps the company manage its capital efficiently by determining how much capital the company needs and how it should be invested to maximize profits.
    • Decision-making: Finance provides valuable information and financial analysis to help business leaders make well-informed decisions on investments, financing, and other financial matters.
    • Risk and return: Finance helps the company understand the risk and return associated with different investments, enabling business leaders to make more informed and profitable decisions
    • Company valuation: Finance helps the company determine its value and understand how that value can be maximized
    • Financial planning: Finance helps the company plan its long-term finances and create a financial plan that enables the company to achieve its goals.

    Corporate governance and corporate finance

    Corporate governance and corporate finance are two critical aspects of business management. Corporate governance refers to the set of practices, policies, and procedures that govern the operation of a company and ensure that appropriate decisions are made to maximize value for shareholders and other stakeholders. This includes the company's governance structure, risk management, corporate social responsibility, business ethics, transparency, and accountability.

    On the other hand, finance refers to the financial decisions that companies make to maximize the company's value. This includes financial planning, financial risk management, asset and liability management, treasury management, financing structuring, and investment decision-making.

    It is important that corporate governance and finance are aligned and work together to achieve the company's objectives. Good corporate governance ensures that responsible and ethical financial decisions are made, and corporate finance can help implement and improve corporate governance practices. Ultimately, good corporate governance and solid finance are fundamental to the long-term success of a company.

    Corporate finance is just as important for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as it is for large corporations.

    Corporate finance is just as important for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as it is for large corporations. Despite often having limited financial resources, proper financial management is crucial for SMEs to ensure their long-term survival and success.

    Corporate finance for SMEs includes financial planning, treasury management, risk management, financing structuring, investment decision-making, and accounting. It is important for SMEs to maintain accurate and up-to-date financial records and regularly track their cash flows and bank balances.

    SMEs should also be proactive in managing their financial risks. This can include diversifying suppliers and customers, purchasing insurance, and carefully managing debt.

    In addition, SMEs must have a solid understanding of their business model and the market in which they operate. This will enable them to make informed and strategic financial decisions that benefit their company in the long term.

    In summary, corporate finance is critical to the success of SMEs. Proper financial management can help SMEs survive in a competitive market and achieve their long-term goals. Corporate finance is essential for a company's long-term success, as it helps manage its capital, make informed decisions, understand risk and return, value the company, and plan long-term finances.

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